Has the lockdown and months of working from home left you with unwanted pockets of fat? Are you tired of having gained additional weight during the lockdown? Are you considering body sculpting and body contouring? Do you want to lose inches around your waist? Well, here is the opportunity for you to consider a treatment to rid yourself of the excess fat and cellulite in your body and look beautiful.
Overview of body contouring

The treatment of fat and cellulite in the body is a common cosmetic issue today considering the huge premium placed on losing weight and improving one’s physical appearance and the exponential rise of obesity.
Cellulite and fat are actually two different entities. Cellulite is a hormonal-based structural phenomenon of adipocytes and fibrous septae while excess fat is a surplus of normal adipocytes. The options for the treatment of excess cellulite and fat are different and improvement in one may not have any discernible impact on the other.
Non-invasive body contouring is a fast expanding cosmetic field. Many new technologies have been developed recently and several others are in the pipeline. Although topical agents like retinoids and methylxanthines have theoretical benefits on the appearance of cellulite and fat, they have few objective clinical improvements.
Patients also have the option of injectable therapies such as mesotherapy and injection lipolysis. By modulating blood and lymphatic flow, the appearance of cellulite and fat can be improved through physical massage of the affected areas. Clinical studies have shown modest improvements.
Radiofrequency devices
Radiofrequency (RF) devices use alternating current to generate ionic flow and localized heat in adipocytes resulting in moderate improvement of the appearance of cellulite and fat.
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
Adipocytes can also be targeted using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and improve the appearance and thickness of the fat layer. FDA recently cleared a HIFU device for noninvasive reduction of waist circumference
Laser devices

Laser devices using near-infrared wavelengths, combined with physical manipulation, have been developed to improve the appearance of cellulite and fat by stimulating dermal collagen formation. Currently, lasers with wavelengths that are selectively absorbed by the adipocytes are being developed and studied for their potential efficacy.
Cryolipolysis is a new therapy that is used to selectively damage adipocytes over several months after the treatment. Through controlled cold exposure it causes apoptosis and slowly improves the appearance and thickness of the fat layer.
Although there are few studies comparing the efficacy of the different technologies, the ideal treatment for the patient is to discuss the various options with him or her, find out their ultimate goals, and arrive at an informed decision together.
Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and managed by highly qualified and trained professionals with substantial experience. Our unique treatment will help you get the best possible outcomes from your body contouring treatment.
At Getbeautiful.ca you will get an assessment to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for body contouring and body sculpting treatment. We will review your medical history, identify the areas of your body that need to be treated, walk you through the various steps involved and schedule your treatment as per your convenience.
You will receive complete pre-treatment instructions and prepare you for the treatment. This will be followed by an evaluation of your body contouring results over time. Our trained and well-experienced staff will be with you throughout the process to make sure that you are comfortable during the treatment. Post-treatment there will be a review followed by instructions that you will have to follow meticulously before resuming your normal daily routine.
Find out more by calling us right away at # 1-647-660-0860 and book your consultation at # 3630 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1G 1P6. You can also reach us by email at [email protected]